- Migrating your online storefront to Hydrogen
Introduction to Migrating an online store to Hydrogen
Unlocking creativity: Online vs. custom storefronts
Migration considerations
Knowledge check
- Redirect traffic from the online store
Redirecting from the online store to your custom storefront
Unified cart
Redirecting traffic
Migration activity: Redirect traffic to the Hydrogen channel
Migration activity: Add a subdomain for your Shopify-managed domain
Knowledge check
- Incremental approach to migration
Incremental approach to migration
Migration activity: Next steps after proxying routes
Knowledge check
- Wrap up
Course feedback

Liquid to Hydrogen Migration
Learn the steps to successfully transition from a Liquid storefront to Hydrogen.
In this course, you’ll learn why a merchant might want to switch from a Liquid storefront to Hydrogen, along with key considerations before planning a migration. You'll also learn the steps to make the transition smoothly, including methods for redirecting customer traffic, and the advantages of taking an incremental approach to migration.